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337 weeks ago

Star Wars: The Last Jedi Movie In Hindi Dubbed Download

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a5c7b9f00b Jedi Master in hiding Luke Skywalker unwillingly attempts to guide young hopeful Rey in the ways of the force, while Leia, former princess turned general, attempts to lead what is left of the Resistance away from the ruthless tyrannical grip of the First Order.
Rey develops her newly discovered abilities with the guidance of Luke Skywalker, who is unsettled by the strength of her powers. Meanwhile, the Resistance prepares for battle with the First Order.
I was so disappointed in this movie i basically machine gunned it the whole ride home to my wife. the plot was laughable and ridiculous. every other dialogue had silly forced humor that took away from the tone and feel of a star wars movie. none of the major questions from TFA were answered and were steamrolled and shoved aside like they werent a major element of the last movie. over half of the movie was unneeded and just fillers. not to mention every white male is portrayed as intensely angry, and a complete nut case with no tact or character. it was long and teedious. the special effects were pretty good but the main thing i appreciated about this movie was the score. Classic John Williams masterpieces as usual. all in all it was just too disappointing for me to stomach. dont think i will be in a hurry to see the next installment and certainly wont fork over more cash for a hard copy of this trainwreck. I loved star wars ever since i was a kid but this is just plain wrong to pull on the fans. Disney congrats. you destroyed everything i loved about star wars.
I can almost understand why TLJ was written and directed the way it was - it attempted to subvert the Hero&#39;s Journey by reversing the usual tropes, which is fine. However, if you&#39;re going to do that, whatever replaces it better be good. Several major characters die in this movie, and because they&#39;re dead, I don&#39;t really care to see Episode IX, because whoever survived doesn&#39;t resonate; none of them really learned from their respective failures, which is replete in this movie.<br/><br/>Luke, one of the the last links to the old SW franchise, undergoes a rather complete character reversal, to an aged version of himself prior to meeting Obi-Wan: he&#39;s immature, afraid, and apprehensive. It&#39;s like he never went to Dagobah, never met nor trained with Yoda, and forgot why he fought so hard to fix what his father started.<br/><br/>Why would he be afraid of Kylo Ren? Why would he be afraid to train Rey? Luke lost a hand, was almost seduced to the dark side, but faced down both Vader and Sidious and came out clean. His motivations in TLJ made no sense. Inconsistent character development.<br/><br/>Yoda makes a cameo appearance, as the giddy version of himself prior to revealing to Luke that he&#39;s the most revered Jedi Master in history. Fan service and inconsistent character development.<br/><br/>I joked with my brother (who thankfully paid for my ticket to TLJ) that since The Force Awakens is A Newer Hope, then TLJ would be The Discount Empire Strikes Back, and sadly, I wasn&#39;t too far off the prediction. I disliked TFA because there was no tension, and I equally dislike TLJ because the tension was manufactured.<br/><br/>The entire subplot with Finn and Rose could have been excised, had Holdo told Poe what her plans are from when she assumed command. She could have said &quot;I plan to use this command ship as bait, so let them track us&quot;; had she said that, Finn and Rose would have no obligation to go to Canto Bight, and everyone could have been more helpful to continue the ruse, which would have made it a more compelling movie. Manufactured tension.<br/><br/>The unevenness of the technology was also jarring: The First Order can track Resistance ships though light speed (something that several characters remarked was nigh impossible/extremely difficult to achieve), yet they did. However, they then fail to close up the remaining distance to finish the job, resulting in the slowest dogfight in the history of galactic warfare. They&#39;d rather take pot shots from behind, rather then send off their massive fleet of Tie fighters to surround the command ship. Manufactured tension.<br/><br/>TLJ suffers from an existential crisis, unable to decide whether to be a Marvel clone with scattered humour that destroys the tone of the movie, or a serious SW entry that tried (and failed) to build upon what&#39;s already known. One can almost see Rian&#39;s brain spinning in this (&quot;I want to please the Disney investors, but I also mustn&#39;t upset the punters), so he released this garbled mess, complete with merchandise tie-ins (Porgs are 2017 Ewoks.)<br/><br/>Disney gifted Rian with another trilogy after this; I think I&#39;ll wait to rent those rather than pay full admission.<br/><br/>p.s. Leia does her best impression of Superman in this movie; it&#39;s a shame she didn&#39;t fly faster, because she could have reversed time.
If The Force Awakens raised a lot of questions, The Last Jedi tackles them head-on, delivering answers that will shock and awe in equal measure. Fun, funny but with emotional heft, this is a mouth-watering set-up for Episode IX and a fitting tribute to Carrie Fisher.
Not necessarily. The title is intentionally ambiguous, as Jedi is both singular and plural. As stated in the opening crawl of The Force Awakens, Luke Skywalker is the last Jedi. TLJ Director, Rian Johnson has also confirmed this in interviews and via Twitter. In the first trailer for this film, Luke is heard saying &quot;I only know one truth; it&#39;s time for the Jedi to end.&quot;, which could mean he refuses to train Rey to become a Jedi but may still train her in the use of the force, which would make Luke the literal last Jedi. However, if Luke trains Rey to be a Jedi, then they would both be the last. Naturally, we can only speculate at this point. It&#39;s possible Luke is wracked with guilt over the massacre of the new Jedi Order he created. Twice the Jedi order has failed. It&#39;s likely that Luke has realized that the way the Jedi order utilizes only the light side of the Force isn&#39;t effective. So perhaps he wants to create a new order with Rey that is more in-between, embracing both the light and the dark (embracing &quot;a larger view of the Force&quot;, &quot;not just the dogmatic, narrow view of the Jedi&quot;, in a more honest context than those who would use such a sales pitch). Notice the symbolism of the first poster. Luke&#39;s face (light side) on one side, Kylo Ren&#39;s (dark side) on the other, with Rey in the middle separating the two and her lightsaber going from blue to red. November 3rd, 2017: Re-wrote and tightened up the question &quot;Does the title signify or foreshadow the end of the Jedi Order?&quot; as it rambled on and on about things that didn&#39;t really have anything to do with the question. Nor did it provide any answers or theories based on information we know.<br/><br/>17 November Edited for grammatical errors.
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